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NYM@WSH: Zimmerman belts a solo shot to right
NYM@WSH: Zimmerman belts two homers against the Mets
STL@WSH: Zimmerman belts a solo shot to left-center
STL@WSH: Zimmerman rips a two-run shot to right
Zimmerman belts solo shot to center
ATL@NYM: Wright belts a solo shot to open the scoring
NYM@WSH: Ramos belts a two-run dinger off deGrom
SD@WSH: Zimmerman belts solo home run to right-center
WSH@NYM: Robinson launches a long solo shot to right
Wright belts a solo shot to open the scoring
WSH@BAL: Zimmerman belts a solo homer to left-center
NYM@WSH: Zimmerman rips a solo homer in the 4th